Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Yet again I am the second to review this book- though I finished it well over a month ago. I also read another book before this that I'm blanking on, so that review will come once I remember the book. As for Snow Flower, I really lucked out since Andrea already gave the summary. I'll just write my opinion.
Like she mentioned, this book reminded me of The Good Earth- a previous pick for bookclub- and not just because they both took place in China. What I found interesting was the different feel I got for the era in which they took place. Like Andrea mentioned, Snow Flower and the Secret Fan took place approximately 100 years before The Good Earth, and yet I found it more relatable and current than The Good Earth. This could be due to the writing style (The Good Earth was written in 1931 and Snow Flower in 2005) or the fact that the main characters in Snow Flower were female, and therefore more familiar to me. In any case, I found that if certain era-identifying elements were removed from the book, I would have believed it took place in current time.
While I truly liked Snow Flower's character throughout the book, Lily's frustrated me at parts. Her selfishness and quick judgement had devastating effects, and yet her character was the one who remained highly regarded. Her uncle and aunt were my favorites- their place in the family was not strong, and yet they always made the best of what they had.
Overall a great read. It drew me and and held my attention quite well. Probably one of the quickest reads I've read in a while!
Netflix rating? 4/5 stars.

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