Friday, May 30, 2008

THE LAST BATTLE- by c.s. lewis

The last book in the series, The Last Battle pulls everything together and ties it up neatly. It begins with an ape named Shift and a donkey named Puzzle. Shift is shifty, and concocts a plan where he takes a lion skin and ties it to Puzzle. He parades him around as Aslan, and since most men and creatures hadn't seen a real lion (Aslan hadn't been around in a long time) they believed Shift. He made the Narnians work for the Calormenes and set about cutting down the talking trees to sell for money. King Tirian hears of the return of "Aslan" but knows that something isn't right. He calls on the real Aslan for help, and is sent the Pevensies, Jill, Eustace, Digory and Polly. They rescue the good animals, and enter into Aslan's new world where they see the destruction of what they thought was Narnia.
This was another good one. Instead of wasting the whole book tying everything together, he wrote an interesting story as well.
Netflix rating? 5/5 stars.

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