Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao

Everyone knows at least one cool kid. The girl who can introduce trends without ridicule, the guy who knows the next hot band, the girl who has friends across all groups, and is so smart, and the guy who can effortlessly go out with any girl.
Oscar Wao is not any of those cool kids. But Junot Diaz is.
Diaz wrote The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao with the kind of effortless prose and dialogue that any would-be writer could only hope to emulate. In this book you get the comi-tragic story of one cursed family, told in reverse. But hidden in that story is the less comic and more tragic story of the Trujillo rule in the Dominican Republic.
Any fan of Marquez or Allende would appreciate this book-- it's got a tinge of Latin magical realism, but with bite. If I could only recommend one book to read this year, this would be it! It's taken me more than a week to write these few sentences...I just can't compete with Diaz at all. He's way out of my league. 5/5 stars easily.


sjenkins said...

I guess I have to read this book now. Everyone's talking about it. I just have too much to read. eerrrrr.


And said...

Well move this to the top of your list! It's a quick read. If I hadn't checked it out from the library I'd send it to you.