Thursday, October 1, 2009

New Moon

I was told it wasn't good. Even by people who enjoy the series, I was told this particular book was bad. My sister thought I shouldn't read it because Edward's departure would trigger unhappy personal memories. My coworkers thought it focussed too much on Jacob.

Here's what I liked: an accurate portrayal of grief following abandonment. Bella gets through each day by sheer force of will. Her friends being likewise 17 and 18 have little patience for this and soon give up on her. Jacob. He's 15 and is characterized like a 15 year old. He's got a crush on Bella but can still relate to her as a friend.

Here's what I didn't like: Edward. (It's true, I'm Team Jacob!). You'd think after 110 years he'd know that just leaving an 18 year old-- the day after her birthday no less-- would be unkind to say the least. The writing and editing. It was bad. If I'm going to read these kind of books, I need to read them fast! There are award winners and classics out there to read and I'm not getting any younger...Then again, if I were immortal I could read them all. Alice?

Netflix stars 2/5

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