Friday, June 1, 2007

Charms For The Easy Life

Charms For The Easy Life came from my coworker. We were walking to the T after drinks one evening and she said she always carries books, but hadn't finished one in over a year. She stated this with the same kind of acceptance one has towards a gym membership: you pay for it, but never, or rarely go. And that's fine because it's there when you need it. So she pulled out of her bag Charms for The Easy Life and told me I'd like it. It's a small paperback and looked like an airport buy, so when it was cold and rainy the whole weekend, I settled into the couch and started reading. On Saturday I told G not to bother me and that I would do my chores on Sunday. As the cold rain poured outside, I enjoyed several of my favorite things: magical realism, women's friendships and the South. It was purely enjoyable and produced a fair cry at the end (possibly co-induced by my butt falling asleep on the couch) so on a Netflix scale of stars, I'd give it three out of five.

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